our PM Modi has today completed 7 years in power. our opposition has tried all methods to dis log him . they used inter nation experts like Cambridge analytical . for social media , media managemnt , creating narrative . they also did training of rahul gandhi .how to speak , how to present himself , but nothing sucessed . they abused him , chor , dealer of death , chaiwala , illiterate .and what not. every 15 days new agitation or attack on him. in last 7 years reservation for maratha, jat , gujjar , all violent agitation. now farmer agitaion is going on. but all these fail . he did many things successfully . now we have no power shortage poors bank ac , free gas , aadhar card and linking it to all possible thing . free insurance for poor is very good program in 7 years he made India country to notice .world wide respect, we show Pakistan our military power in surgical strike . we also shown china we are not 1962 india. let come to covid...
our PM has suddenly announce some new measure to boost economy. FDI is allowed in retail , broadcasting ,and air lines . why it was nor allowed earlier , must be some sound and important reasons in interest of country or it was under US pressure you allowed their companies to milk our people or it was just to divert attention of country men from coal, telecom and games scam all these 3 scam are amount of lakh cores ?10000000000000.each so think what men will do with so much money. why there is so much greed ? and why they are not worried of tax authority. in fact in 20 year we have come to stage were you can not earn reasonable even you are educated all DR and CA are not making reasonable money even they are most hard working and brilliant as student in their time all business and manufacturing units are not making profit even after employing capital an...